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Jan 24, 2014

Greek Salad Skewer Appetizers

These Greek salad skewers are a simple and elegant appetizer for a family gathering or cocktail party. The ingredients can be sliced and refrigerated the day before, and the skewers can be assembled about an hour in advance. 

Greek Salad Skewer Appetizers

These Greek Salad Skewers are so easy to make (and will make your anti-carb friends happy).

These appetizers are are really tasty and will totally remind you of a Greek salad. I put a few of these together to take this photo for this post, and my husband wanted to know where they were once I was done. I had to confess that that I'd eaten almost all of them. Sheepish grin. 

Greek Salad Skewers

You could also add thin slices of red onion and a splash of red wine vinegar or lemon juice to these skewers if you'd like... or how about small slices of green bell pepper and bits of Romaine lettuce?

You could also go with an Italian version and make caprese salad skewers or prosciutto wrapped cherry tomato, basil, and mozarella bites

We are heading into appetizer season... the holidays, bowl games, cocktail parties, all great opportunities to try these Greek salad skewers.

Greek Salad Skewer Appetizers with cucumber, tomato, and feta

I joined up with a group of bloggers to share appetizer recipes. Visit all the other Appetizer Week blogs for more delicious ideas:

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Kalamata, feta, cucumber, appetizer
Yield: 16 appetizers

Greek Salad Skewer Appetizers


  • 1/4 English cucumber, cut into 8 slices, and cut in half
  • 4 ounces feta cheese, cut into 16 pieces
  • 8 pitted Kalamata olives, cut in half
  • 8 grape tomatoes, cut in half
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and freshly ground black or mixed peppercorn pepper


  1. Thread each of 16 toothpicks with a tomato, olive, piece of feta, and a cucumber slice. 
  2. Place the skewers on a serving plate, drizzle with the olive oil, and sprinkle with a little salt. 
  3. Grind the pepper over the skewers and serve. 

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  1. This is neat idea. I have made caprese salad skewers, but I never thought to try making other little salad bites.

  2. What a fun and easy idea! And I completely covet the stacking salt boxes, no question. Thank you!

    1. They do look gorgeous! Thanks Marie for stopping by!

  3. Wonderful idea Karen! And you can make combinations also with onion and green bell pepper to use all the Greek salad ingredients. Yummy! Loved it!

    1. I am so happy you approve! I was worried about that =)

  4. I marinated the cukes, feta and tomatoes in Greek salad dressing before assembling.... YUMMY!!!!

  5. What beautiful photos and these would be a perfect starter for any holiday party!

    1. Thanks Carlee. It was nice to be able to take new ones.

  6. I love how fun these are, but so simple too. Perfect for party nibbles!

    1. Thanks! It's kind of hard to call it an actual recipe =)

  7. Looks like a great appie to serve with wine and charcuterie.

  8. I love that these are so simple and effortless! Perfect for a quickly thrown together holiday party!

  9. Looks so elegant, but so easy to make! Great idea!

    1. Thank Jolene. I'm probably cheating a little calling it a recipe!

  10. These look delicious. Great, healthy appetizer for holiday entertaining, but I'd totally make these for myself as a snack. Yum!

  11. This is such a great idea. Healthy, easy and beautiful!

  12. Such a great idea! This will be awesome for our annual summer pool party!

  13. I drizzled balsamic glaze over delish


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