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Aug 23, 2012

BBA Challenge # 20 Multigrain Bread Extraordinaire and #21 Pain a l' Ancienne

BBA Challenge #20 Multigrain Bread Extraordinaire

Every time Peter Reinhart writes a bread book, he includes a recipe for this multi-grain bread, also called Struan. In fact, this is the bread that lured me into the BBA Challenge. 

This bread starts with a cornmeal, rolled oats, and wheat bran soaker. It also includes bread flour, cooked brown rice, brown sugar and honey, and buttermilk. It is pretty incredible. I highly recommend making this bread. Awesome toast. I've made it twice, even with the "pressure" to finish baking my way through this book. Try it. You'll love it. 

Google BBA Challenge #20 Multigrain Bread Extraordinaire for more bakers' experiences with this recipe. 

BBA Challenge #21 Pain a l'Ancienne

The amazing thing about bread (yes, I know I've said this before) is that you can take the exact same ingredients, and depending upon how you treat them, you get completely different results. Variables include ratios, and also the fermentation time, and in this case, fermentation temperature. 

This dough is cold fermented, and uses ice water. This method creates an amazing flavor.  In his book, Artisan Breads Every Day, Peter used this dough to create an amazing Ciabatta. I speak from experience. 

This dough is very, very wet. And forget slashing it. You create these strips of dough, place them on parchment, and bake them on a stone. Go with it. You will be pleased. You will feel like a pro. 

To see other blogger's experiences with this bread, Google BBA Challenge #21 Pain a l'Ancienne. 

And get the book! Or borrow it from the library. It's amazing.

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  1. Making a swirled rye has been on my to-do list for ages!! All of the loaves look wonderful. :D

    1. Thank you Heather! You should definitely give it a try.


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