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Mar 31, 2015

Stork Club Cocktail

Stork Club Cocktail  #PartyLikeAMadMan

I made this Stork Club Cocktail to celebrate the opening of the final season of Mad Men, which begins April 5. I've been watching the show since the beginning, and have so enjoyed the historical stories in the background.

The setting is a Madison Avenue advertising agency. The series begins in 1960, and ends in 1969. Many of us "of a certain age" know what pivotal years those were.

Stork Club Cocktail  #PartyLikeAMadMan

For those of you who haven't indulged in watching the show, the themes include drinking at work, alcoholism, smoking, adultery, sexism, and racism. Fun, right? It's actually a pretty amazing period piece.

If you haven't watched the show yet, I highly recommend binge watching it this week in preparation for the final half of the final season.

The Stork Club was described by Walter Winchell as New York's "New Yorkiest" place. Don Draper, the show's main character, visited the Stork Club in Season 2, Episode 7, with his former model wife Betty to celebrate a client's new television show. The relationships in the episode are, as they say, "complicated."

Stork Club Cocktail  #PartyLikeAMadMan

This cocktail was supposedly enjoyed by New York City's rich and famous.

To honor the period, I also made the daiquiri featured in Season 3, Episode 3. Evidently it was President Kennedy's favorite cocktail, and became all the rage. It consists of 1 1/2 ounces of white rum and 2 tsps of limeade concentrate.

The stack of coasters on the right are my mom's crystal horoscope coasters. How 60s is that?

Stork Club Cocktail


Dash of lime juice
Juice of half of an orange 
Dash of triple sec
1 1/2 ounces of gin
Dash of Angostura bitters


  1. Add all of the ingredients to an ice filled shaker.
  2. Shake, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. 
This cocktail is from The Unofficial Mad Men Cookbook.

The book is filled with retro recipes, including cocktails, appetizers, salads, main courses, and desserts. Besides the great retro cocktails, some of my favorites include deviled eggs, rumaki, the wedge salad, and beef Wellington.

Check out the Mad Men Finale Party for more ideas!

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  1. Mmmm sounds yummy! Too bad I've gone teetotal for 2015.... :(

  2. Karen, what a fun post! The only binge watching we did was Breaking Bad, and I must say my life was paralyzed until I finished the last episode. I am really afraid of getting involved to a similar extent with a new show, I have obsessive tendencies... ;-)

    but your endorsement is pretty hard to resist...

    I just wish I had a little more alcoholic endurance - I find the concept of drinks so cool, but it doesn't take that much to give me a hangover next day, and that's too high a price to pay (sigh)

    1. You've got to keep that scientific brain sharp Sally!

  3. I always love a good themed cocktail, and this is the perfect way to celebrate Mad Men! We're hosting our monthly cocktail link-up next Tuesday on our blog, and would love for you to share this post :)


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