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Jan 1, 2018

Over 45 Bread Recipes from 2017

I have here for you over 45 bread recipes from 2017.

Over 45 Bread Recipes #bread #breadrecipes #artisanbread

Usually, at the beginning of each New Year, I'll post my top ten favorite bread recipes for the year. This year, I decided to assemble all of my bakes for the year in a single post, kind of like a virtual bread cookbook. I hope you like it!

This post includes all of the bread recipes I posted in 2017, minus one. Minus one? When I assembled the first list, I counted 47 recipes, but after dividing the recipes into categories, and tossing the original list, I ended up with 46 (poor orphan bread recipe from 2017, whoever you are)!

If you've been following this site for a while, you know how much I love baking bread. It is amazing to me how four simple ingredients, flour, yeast, water, and salt, can result in so many beautiful and varied loaves.

Bread dough with hand

I just read an article declaring that in 2017, bread stopped being a bad word. This declaration makes it official. My favorite quote: "It's a momentous time for bread in America!" Bread is cool again! In the age when a bag of potato chips is often marked as "gluten free," this is pretty significant.

Observations after reading the article: First, I'm really excited to learn that Tartine is actually coming to Los Angeles. Second: I'm pretty much a pioneer of the "bread crawl," in that I used a trip to Portland, Oregon a few years ago to visit every single one of Ken Forkish's restaurants. I'm not a stalker! I was on a "bread crawl!"

Also notable: Nathan Myhrvold (a Microsoft tech guru) and Francisco Migoya (a chef) published the five-volume compendium, Modernist Bread. Price tag: $523.35, and people are buying it and giving it 5 star reviews. Bread. Is. Back.

Here are my breads from 2017, divided into six categories:

Crusty and Lean Breads

auvergne crown

shubbak el-habayek
  1. Petit Pains
  2. Chewy Italian Dinner Rolls
  3. Kaak (Beirut Street Bread) 
  4. Shubbak el-Habayek (pictured above)
  5. Bastounakia with Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme
  6. Whole Wheat Santa Lucia Buns
  7. No Knead English Muffins
  8. Kaiser Rolls
  9. Pumpkin Cornmeal and Rye Pull-Apart Rolls
  10. Sfoof 

Enriched, Sandwich, and Sweet Breads

scali bread
  1. Cinnamon Raisin Struan Bread
  2. Whole Wheat Quinoa Bread
  3.  Rum Raisin Bread
  4. Scali Bread (pictured above)
  5. Velvety Bean Bread with Chives
  6. Cottage Cheese, Dill, and Caramelized Shallot Bread
  7. Oat and Potato Bread
  8. Fouace Nantaise
  9. Pull-apart Dill Bread
  10. Liège-style Waffles 

Flat Bread and Crackers

spinach and olive foccacia

Stop by the blogs below to see what these bloggers chose for their wild card category!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

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  1. Bread is NEVER a bad word! I envy your success with it...yeast and I are enemies!!! I'll have to work on that! Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck - Colleen

  2. What a wonderful gift! Thanks for starting my year off in the best way possible with this year-of-bread post. Doesn’t get any better than 46 of your recipes...unless it would be 47, lol, or more!

    May your yeast be fresh, all your loaves delicious, and your new year happy!


    1. Thanks so much Anne. And may your starter be active!! xoxo

  3. This is why you are my go-to person for a bread recipe! You have everything and it all looks so fabulous :)

  4. That is simply THE best post ever to start the year... it's really like having a new bread cookbook at the click of a mouse!

    and the best possible book, because the author is MY FRIEND!


  5. These all look ridiculously tempting and delicious!

  6. I love making breads! I can't wait to try some of these recipes!

  7. I just want to eat ALL this bread! Hahaha. Thanks for sharing at Friday Frenzy Link Party! PINNED!

  8. I love bread, possibly even more than Oprah (well, let's not get hasty, she wins everything). This is a fantastic compendium of bread recipes! -jessie from cakespy

  9. I'm so glad this is being featured on Friday Frenzy this week!!! 45 breads in one year...that deserves recognition!!! Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck - Colleen


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